79 Years Strong

August 24, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

This year marks the 79th Annual Original Will Rogers Rodeo in Vinita, Oklahoma; and Avid Visual Imagery will be there to capture the memories!


Will Rogers was born in 1879.  At the age of 11, Will's mother passed and he was sent to several schools.  Amongst his schooling, was the Willie Halsell College, located in Vinita, which soon became his favorite.  He attented until 1895 and always remembered the happy times, with the friends that he had made.  In 1934, at a school reunion, Will told those around him that if they "have a rodeo here next year, and I'll come back!"  

Sure enough, the following year,  Will returned for the old-timer's parade; but unfortunately on August 15th, 1935, just days before the Rodeo, both Will Rogers and Pilot, Wiley Post were tragically killed in a plane crash. From there, it was decided that the Vinita rodeo would be held as a memorial to Vinita's "son", Will Rogers.

Since then, the Will Rogers Memorial Rodeo has become one of the most popular Rodeo's  in the Southwest!


Wont you join us in this 79th Annual Celebration?


To Learn More about the 

Original Will Rogers Memorial Rodeo

check them out 

Online or on Facebook

Be sure to also keep an eye out for

Broc McGuire

who will be out there protecting the Bull Riders 

along with 

Jason Gibbs

Stock will be provided by 

Rafter H Rodeo Livestock


Graphic was provided by Tactical Grafx on behalf of Avid Visual Imagery Business Solutions!

To learn more head on over to our website at www.aviphoto.org

Stay tuned, you will be seeing images from the Will Rogers Memorial Rodeo right here on Zenfolio!



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