We all know that the rodeo world circulates around the rush of adrenaline, dirt, and competition. The thrill of man versus beast has fueled big crowds and big entertainment for many years.
What many do not know is that there is a world behind rodeo that has much more to offer. The times behind the chutes when a youngster is inspired by a competitor taking a moment.
Recently while photographing a Christian Youth Rodeo event I took the opportunity to take my boys with me to work. Prior to the rodeo start time I spent a little time roping a dummy and getting to know these future champions of the sport of rodeo. As my play time ended and I started preparing for work I turned back and found this young man teaching my 5 year old how to rope.
Now it is much more than just an older boy teaching a youngster the basics to roping, see my boy is mostly deaf and has to wear hearing aids to hear. Add to this my boy like many children with hearing issues has some challenges with communicating. But none of this mattered, this was simply about a young man seeing an opportunity to influence another with a good gesture.
If the world wants to know what the heart and soul of rodeo is they may want to go their local arena that does not have the big name of rodeo. They need to go hang out around a world where the big check is not the defining moment. The big moment is when a young man recognizes an opportunity to help another, and this is going on in small arenas all over America!
Huge thank you to the Christian Youth Rodeo Association for allowing us to be apart of watching these young men and women grow. Also, thank you to Crossroads Cowboy Church for holding the Sunday Morning Service and hosting the event at your arena!